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System Structure

The KST Platform consists of two components we have developed ourselves:

In addition we are using keycloak as our OAuth2 Authorization Server. Keycloak is an off the shelf component, which we configured according to our needs.

The following figure provides a high level overview of the system architecture:

High Level System Structure

KST Platform Backend Modules

Core Modules

The following diagram illustrates the core modules of our KST Platform structured monolith (our backend) and the dependencies. The disease warning service (see below for details) is left out in this section on purpose, because it serves as an example for a domain specific extension and is therefore not part of the data trustee core functionalities.

KST Platform Backend Core Modules

The modules don’t share common data in the database and don’t call each other directly through method calls. But the modules are loosely coupled in a publish subscribe pattern, through the events published on the event bus. It is recommended to keep this loose coupling for easy extensibility and maintainability.

The core modules of our KST Platform Backend are:


The common module contains often used interfaces, exceptions, and DTO classes (Data Transfer Objects) for other modules.


This module contains all our events as java records as well as our reactive in memory event bus implementation.

Data catalog module

The data catalog module contains the handling of the configured data item types and their JSON Schemas (if configured for a data item type).

Data storage module

The data storage module is responsible for managing and persisting the data items and the corresponding metadata.

Data Control module

The data control module has two submodules:


The notification module allows other modules to send notifications via email to data owners and it stores their notification settings.


The owner module stores the user profiles (currently containing the users’ language preference).


This module contains configuration files and classes for authentication and authorization and for the database. It also contains the main class and therefore depends on all other modules to bundle the application as an executable jar.

Extensions Modules

Disease warning module

The disease warning module is an example for a domain specific extension of the core KST Platform backend. For our demonstrator, we chose the agricultural domain.

The disease warning module offers users (farmers) a service (the Disease Warning Service) that enables farmers to report an infection/ disease on one of their fields and anonymously broadcasts a warning to other farmers who are subscribed to the service and have fields in the area that might be in danger.

The disease warning module depends on the following modules:

The reason for the dependency on the data storage module is that the disease warning service needs to create new data items of type disease warning.

Adding a Module

To extend the KST Platform backend, you shoud add a new module as follows:

  1. Create a new directory for the module in the root directory of the repository and give it the same name as the module. The naming convention is to use lower case letters only and hyphens.
  2. Place a build.gradle file in the newly created directory. The build.gradle file contains the required dependencies for your module. You should add the common module. And, if you want to use the eventbus you should also add the event module as a dependency. Furthermore, you should take care yourself of adding any other spring dependencies you may need. See the build.gradle file in the disease-warning module for an example.
  3. Inside the module directory create the following folders:
    1. src/main/java
    2. src/test/java
  4. Edit the settings.gradle file in the root directory of the repository and add an include statement for your project (add a line with the following content: include ‘<_your-module-name_>').
  5. Edit the build.gradle file in the server module to include your dependency in the final jar (add implementation project (‘:<_your-module-name_>') inside the dependency section).

For the package structure, please have a look at the next section.

Module Structure

This page describes the structure of a single module. Each module corresponds to a gradle subproject.

The source code of a module (except for the modules: common, event, and server) is always organized in the same way for better maintainability and understanding. The following figure illustrates the modules structure:

KST Platform Backend Module Structure