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Demo Use Case (3) Disease Warning Service

Scenario Flow

The following diagrams illustrates the use case flow:

Scenario Flow

Scenario Flow

Scenario Flow

Following is a details description about the use case scenario flow:

  1. Onboarding the farmer on KST Platform:

    • The farmer signs in to KST Platform.
    • The farmer configures the desired settings for the “Disease Warning Service”:
      • Subscribe as contributor: for sharing disease report.
      • Subscribe as a consumer: for receiving disease warnings (store it in thier account on KST Platform). in this case, the farmer can additionally subscribe for receiving email notification with the warnings.

    The farmer can subscribe for none, one, or all options.

  2. The farmer uses Basic KST FMIS to create a disease report (to do so, the farmer should first provide Basic KST FMIS with a Full Access consent). The disease report consists of the following:
    1. Date.
    2. Disease Name.
    3. Disease Severity: {low, medium, high}.
    4. Infected Field: the name of the infected field.
    5. Confidential: a Boolean value. {True: the report is confidential and should not be used by the Disease Warning Services at the KST-Platform to generate warnings; False: the report can be used by the Disease Warning Services at the KST-Platform to generate warnings}.
  3. Basic KST FMIS sends a request to KST Platform to push the disease report to the farmer’s account.
  4. KST Platform checks the validity of the payload (e.g., is the report generated for a field that is owned by the reporter farmer?).
  5. If check in step 4 passes, KST Platform stores the report at the farmer’s account.
  6. KST Platform checks the farmer’s settings for the “Disease Warning Service” (Did the farmer subscribe to sharing disease reports?)
  7. If 6 passes, KST Platform checks the Confidentiality of the report (Confidential == false).
  8. If 7 passes,“Disease Warning Service” module calculates the range of the endangered fields (currently, any field that is in the distance range of 10 KM away from the infected field).
  9. “Disease Warning Service” module generates a warning for endangered fields under the condition that the owner farmer is subscribed to receiving disease warnings.
  10. “Disease Warning Service” module sends an email that contains the warning for each of the farmers (in 9) that are subscribed to receiving warnings emails.
  11. The warning consists of the following: